Create Lesson Content

Topics: Markdown; Includes

Edit the lesson Markdown files to create content pages.

Markdown is a standard to simplify writing content for the web. GitHub markdown flavor can be used any where on GitHub and in Jekyll. The basics are intuitive, you can learn in about a minute! See Markdown in a Minute to get started.

When creating content pages:

Components Includes

workshop-template-b contains a series of Liquid “includes” to add basic Bootstrap components to your Markdown content. Examples below demonstrate the includes.


{% include figure.html img="uidaho-workshop.jpg" alt="workshop scene" caption="Library workshops!" width="75%" %}

workshop scene
Library workshops!


{% include alert.html text="This is a Bootstrap [Alert](" align="center" color="success" %}

{% include button.html text="Bootstrap Docs" link="" color="info" %}

Bootstrap Docs


{% capture text %}
1. Can add more complex text using markdown.
2. Use a Liquid capture to create the text.
3. It magically becomes a [Bootstrap Card](
{% endcapture %}
{% include card.html text=text header="Example Card" title="Title example" img="uidaho-workshop.jpg" %}
Card image
Example Card
Title example
  1. Can add more complex text using markdown.
  2. Use a Liquid capture to create the text.
  3. It magically becomes a Bootstrap Card.

{% include modal.html button="Try Me" color="success" title="Example Modal" text="This is a modal, with little text." %}

YouTube embed

{% include video-embed.html youtubeid="SWVjQsvQocA" caption="Example video" %}

Example video