Being Ordinary
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Cultivate a serious attitude

(17)  The original slogan is: “Practice the five strengths, the condensed heart instructions.” This slogan is about working at cultivating your true nature to be more compassionate and open. Instructions for doing the work of being a human.

This is framed as five strengths. Consider them to be habits to be developed. Practice habits can be integrated into your life in a multitude of ways. The critical point is that you commit to working on each. You don’t have to be perfect. You want to strive to be 1% better than yesterday. Be the best you can be with the skills you have. This is a serious project. One that requires a balance between being firm and being relaxed. One that requires time, focus, and patience.

  1. Cultivate intention – strong determination – developing momentum through consistent practice – put in the time developing the project of Mind Training – do the work
  2. Remove distractions – become familiar with how your life really is – integrate Mind Training in all areas of your life – practice every day
  3. Be positive – be virtuous – sowing virtuous seeds through acts of kindness – be an adult
  4. Eliminate self-grasping – reproach the ego – notice when you slip up, and your ego briefly gets the upper hand and don’t beat yourself up over these slips, instead acknowledge them
  5. Be grateful – develop aspiration – dedicate personal benefit to the welfare of all beings – flavor your life with Mind Training

Practice developing a mature commitment to involvement.

3 Objects, 3 Poisons, 3 Seeds of Virtue ……………………[[201903070509]] Focus on a singe intention ……………………………….[[201904070610]] Be consistent in your practice ……………………………[[201904210547]] Don’t poison yourself ……………………………………[[201903280559]] Be even tempered ………………………………………..[[201904260449]] There is only one point of focus ………………………….[[201903180624]] Always train in the 3 basic elements ………………………[[201903220513]] Don’t expect results …………………………………….[[201903270458]] Observe, no matter what ………………………………….[[201904110510]]

Alternate Titles

  • Practice the five strengths, the condensed heart instructions
  • In brief the essence of instruction is this: apply yourself to the five powers
  • A summary of the essential instructions: train in the five forces
  • To synthesize the essence of this practical guidance, apply yourself to the five powers
  • The pith instructions briefly summarized: put the five strengths into practice
  • Gather together the abridged quintessence of this advice: blend the practice of the one life with the five forces
  • Apply yourself to the five powers
  • The five powers alone, their practice is vital

03-16-2019 - 4:23 AM ›[[201903160423]] → #slogans