Being Ordinary
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Don’t be so predictable


Don’t be so predictable in your habits of feeling, thought, and behavior. Repeatedly and blindly striving for more of what satisfies the ego. Don’t be trapped by a sense of duty to the ego. You can break out of this unhealthy cycle. Don’t keep taking the wrong medicine for the illness.

Always strive to be a servant to everyone.

If the medicine we take is unsuited to the illness we have, our condition will be all the worse. In the same way, we should apply the teachings so that they act as an antidote to our ego-clinging. Towards everyone we should consider ourselves as the humblest of servants, taking the lowest place. We should try really very hard to be modest and self-forgetting. [^@Khyentse:1993aa]

Habits are both helpful and unhelpful; wise and unwise. Wise habits push you to grow, and unwise habits are those we unconsciously establish that keep us stuck servicing the ego. It is easy to see why we want to break out of our unwise habits, but wise habits can have a dark side too if we fall asleep and perform them unconsciously, on autopilot, without even realizing we are doing what we are doing. We turn a wise habit into something rote and predictable.

See the world in the moment, not from a predictable sense of duty but responding to what is needed. This slogan admonishes a more natural response to life rather than a programmed one. Cultivate a beginner’s mind with yourself. Be more like a beginner, with many possibilities rather than the few a professional has. This slogan encourages you to stop trying to be an expert on yourself. Besides, amateurs always have more fun than professionals.

Don’t ponder the actions of others ………………………..[[201903250613]] Find freedom through investigation and close analysis ……….[[201904230512]] Don’t make a public display of your efforts ………………..[[201903230512]] Don’t make gods into demons ………………………………[[201904050528]] Don’t rush things ………………………………………[[201904030514]]

Alternate Titles

  • Don’t be so predictable
  • Do not maintain inappropriate loyalty
  • Don’t rely on consistency
  • Do not devote yourself kindly to the central object
  • Do not serve the central object leniently

03-29-2019 - 5:03 AM ›[[201903290503]] → #slogans