Being Ordinary
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Don’t make gods into demons


Don’t inflate yourself with a sense of superiority and use it to poison oneself. You must be vigilant against the threat that success brings. You must watch that your ego doesn’t reassert itself once you have made some gains and see it for what it is. When you have everything you could want and the time to enjoy it, you often question why you should keep working hard. This is the trap to avoid if you wish to remain sharp in crafting life.

This is a type of complacency that comes from taking things for granted. When applying this to the practice of mind training, we can see that even the most accomplished don’t let their success color their activities and still practice in their daily lives.

Don’t use spiritual practice to beat yourself up. “Hellfire and brimstone only exist in your head.”1 Awakening isn’t about focusing on your warts and downfalls but instead realizing how things already are. Remember, you can choose to start over again at this very moment.

Remember, “Don’t make everything so painful.” Don’t suffer your suffering.

Ω Don’t make everything so painful ………………………..[[201904010459]] Don’t be so predictable ………………………………….[[201903290503]] Don’t be devious ………………………………………..[[201904040538]] Be modest and unassuming …………………………………[[201904240458]]

Alternate Titles

  • Do Not Let the Gods Descend to the Devil
  • Do Not Bring a God Down to the Level of a Demon

04-05-2019 - 5:28 AM ›[[201904050528]] → #slogans, #dzogchen

  1. Davidson, Jessica. Free Your Pen: Mind Training for Writers (59 Slogans to Cure Writer’s Block & Free Your Voice) (p. 146). JesDharma Books.