Being Ordinary
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Benefit others without the hope of thanks


Benefiting others and by extension all beings, should be done with a pure heart-mind and loving-kindness. This wants to be your only intention.

Don’t do things with any kind of acknowledgement in mind. Premeditated. This is a hard because it is natural to crave acknowledgement. Practice in secret. Do everything with the feeling of giving. Expect nothing in return. Don’t look for even little things like applause. All applause should be suspect.

Look at how much you do in an effort to be recognized. Often you are like children shouting “Watch me! Look what I can do!” “This slogan gives us a chance to examine our whole relationship to approval and recognition, even fame.” 1

You practice Mind Training to be free from your own conditioning. Why should anyone thank you? You are the one who benefits.

Practice giving and receiving on the breath ………………..[[201903060456]] Don’t expect results …………………………………….[[201903270458]] Focus on a singe intention ……………………………….[[201904070610]] Don’t make a public display of your efforts ………………..[[201903230512]]

Alternate Titles

  • Don’t expect thanks
  • Don’t expect applause
  • Do not be boisterous
  • Don’t expect thanks
  • Do not desire gratitude
  • Do not wish for gratitude
  • Do not expect to be rewarded
  • Don’t do things with acknowledgement in mind
  • Do not seek gratitude

  1. Judy Lief (2010): The 59 Lojong Slogans - Atisha’s mind-training techniques