Being Ordinary
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Adopt three key elements


Adopt, acquire, attain, take on, take up, maintain - these are all admonitions to look clearly and intently at our goals and aspirations.

The three key elements, conditions, or principle causes referred to in this slogan are the foundational elements of a healthy practice.

  1. Receive guidance from a qualified spiritual mentor - a teacher, maybe could be physically present or on the web or dead or a combination - find your community, your tribe
  2. Devote yourself to all stages of practice - have a workable mind - be malleable - taming the mind is of utmost importance - develop intelligence, have enthusiasm
  3. Assemble physical and social conditions for practice - adequate economic support

Be aware of the convergence of circumstances in your life - remind yourself that many people do not have such good circumstances. This is an opportunity afforded you as a result of your birth. Don’t waste it.

Keep tract of the three key elements ………………………[[201904140544]] Right now exert yourself, get it right …………………….[[201904190458]] Be consistent in your practice ……………………………[[201904210547]] Don’t make a public display of your efforts ………………..[[201903230512]] The Power Of Regret ……………………………………..[[202009070839]]

Alternate Titles

  • Take on the three principle causes
  • Adopt the three principal conditions
  • Take up the three primary resources
  • Acquire the three principal causes
  • Three things maintain inseparably
  • Attain the three principle causes
  • Keep the three main causes

04-13-2019 - 5:01 AM ›[[201904130501]] → #slogans