Being Ordinary
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Practice sympathetic joy


Use sympathetic joy as an antidote to major and minor jealousies. Be joyful for others success and the joy in the world suddenly doubles, theirs is compounded by yours. Delight in the delight of others. By being happy for others good fortune you get to be happy.

This slogan is also about irritability, slights, and insults. These are subtle forms of anger and jealousy.

When slighted or insulted, do not respond with action or speech, nor even in our thoughts. To think you have been slighted is to be slighted. Stop this at its source. This is the antidote to the self-grasping ego.

“Anything that helps us to measure the present level of our self-grasping is to our benefit, and one such measure consists in noting how easily we are slighted or jealous.” [^@Wallace:2001aa]

Maintain your confidence and clarity of observation. Ask “What would Dr. Seuss do in this situation?” Lighten up and open your heart-mind. “The first difficulty is to see yourself jealous, see yourself frivolous, see yourself wallowing in self-pity. The second difficulty is to do something different.” [^@Chodron:1994a]

Don’t ponder the actions of others ………………………..[[201903250613]] Don’t malign others …………………………………….[[201903300509]] Face the three challenges ………………………………..[[201904120530]] Keep the three inseparable ……………………………….[[201904150459]] Be modest and unassuming …………………………………[[201904240458]] Norway’s Example ………………………………………..[[202009220810]]

Alternate titles

  • Don’t be hypersensitive
  • Don’t blind yourself with hatred
  • Don’t be jealous
  • Don’t be caught up in irritations
  • Do not retaliate
  • Do not be bad tempered
  • Do not hold on to anger

04-25-2019 - 6:33 AM ›[[201904250633]] → #slogans