Being Ordinary
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Two activities begin the day end the day


This is a practical slogan that describes a sweet daily practice. Practicing with this slogan will grow your motivation and commitment to be present each day.

Wake up each morning and remember that today you get the opportunity to be another day. Celebrate this. You get to start again, leave what has happened in the past, let the future take care of itself, and check-in with the present moment.

At the beginning of each day, while still in bed:

  • Make a pledge to be kind, curious, and different.
  • Express your aspiration to be of service to others.
  • Express the intention to be present in every encounter.

Start each day with the intention to benefit others. The intention of waking up. The intention to do for others, to be the tool of kindness. That’s the point of today. That’s why you get out of bed. This is the work of being human.

In the evening, just before bed:

  • Were you kind today?
  • Did you help others?
  • Did you watch for your self-grasping ego?

Reflect on where you’ve fallen short and failed to actualize your intentions. Be brutally honest. Don’t waste time. Don’t judge but look to the events of the day as a way to learn and grow. Look at areas where things went well, no matter how grand or trivial, and dedicate them to the benefit of others.

This practice is a life-long endeavor. What you do each day, in each moment, makes up who you are and who you become. In horizontal time, past days are done, the future is nebulous. This is the work of abandoning defects and nurturing loving-kindness. Use today to make a difference.

Be true to the principled one …………………………….[[201903190550]] Remedy obstacles with one intention ……………………….[[201904080510]] Focus on a singe intention ……………………………….[[201904070610]] Be consistent in your practice ……………………………[[201904210547]] Always train in the 3 basic elements ………………………[[201903220513]] Ecodharma - Equanimity And Gratitude ………………………[[202007202008]]

Alternate Titles

  • Begin at the beginning, end at the end
  • Two activities: one at the beginning, one at the end
  • There are two tasks - one at the start and one at the end
  • There are two actions on two occasions, at the beginning and end
  • There are two duties: at the beginning and the end
  • Two things to be done, at the start and at the finish
  • Two actions to perform: at the beginning and at the end
  • Renew your commitment each day

04-09-2019 - 6:08 AM ›[[201904090608]] → #slogans