Being Ordinary
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Find freedom through investigation and close analysis


Two parts to this slogan. First is to investigate which troubling emotion is dominating you, then second is to closely analysis the troubling emotion noticing specific situations, relationships, where it arises and apply the appropriate antidote. Working in this way until it no longer dominates your mind-stream. This is the way to diminish negative emotions and eventually the antidote spontaneously arises the moment a troubling emotion is triggered.

Our usual idea of mediation is that it is a calming, relaxing, a break. But here and in all the Mind Training slogans, there is work to do. Sometimes hard work. It is sometimes not very relaxing. In this slogan you are encouraged to conjure up emotional undercurrents for analysis. Externally you can show a superficial face of calmness and be internally avoiding unpleasant realities. You need to stop pretending. “Lojong is not about putting on a show, or keeping up appearances. Destructive patterns thrive on being hidden.” [^@Leif:2010aa] Be willing to rile things up a bit.

Be reflective. Look at your course of experience and analyze it. Investigate ego-clinging and analyze disturbing emotions.

If you don’t push the limits, you will stay as you are. Push on patterns, questions assumptions, and don’t take anything for granted.

Examine the nature of awareness …………………………..[[201903020514]] Don’t be so predictable ………………………………….[[201903290503]] Face the three challenges ………………………………..[[201904120530]] Be modest and unassuming …………………………………[[201904240458]]

Alternate Titles

  • Examine and analyze
  • Find freedom by probing and testing
  • Be released through the two: investigation and close analysis.
  • Liberate yourself by examining and analyzing
  • Find freedom through both examination and investigation
  • Free yourself by means of investigation and analysis
  • Be liberated by two: examination and analysis.
  • Free yourself by analysis and testing
  • Liberate by examination and analysis

04-23-2019 - 5:12 AM ›[[201904230512]] → #slogans