Being Ordinary
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Observe, no matter what


This is an admonition to become awake and stay awake. Live life with eyes wide open. Observation is key. Without attentive observation, life slips by un-lived. Keep attending to the now, what is happening.

If you let go of your commitment to attentively observe life though Mind Training you will fall back into reactivity and lose the opportunity to become awake.

All vows are included in this one commitment: to be committed to paying attention to our lives, to being honest about what is going on and unflinchingly realistic about how we are behaving and thinking. The heart of mind training is here: don’t go to sleep, don’t deny, don’t make excuses, don’t blame anyone, don’t wish for something else. Live your life with your eyes and heart wide-open. No matter what. [^@Fischer2013:aa]

Traditionally this is about two commitments. First is the ‘commitment to awakening, to cultivating knowledge, and to connecting with fellow seekers of wisdom and knowledge’. The second is the ‘commitment to develop the wisdom, compassion, and skillful means to be of real benefit to the world and to give victory and benefit to others and to take all loss and failure’. [^@Leif:2010aa]

It’s important to continue at the pace that training occurs. Not to want to progress faster. Progress at the speed commensurate with commitment.

Drive all blame into a single source ………………………[[201903110656]] Don’t expect results …………………………………….[[201903270458]] Don’t rush things ……………………………………….[[201904030514]] Be consistent in your practice ……………………………[[201904210547]] Remain committed and engaged ……………………………..[[201904200542]] Always train in the 3 basic elements ………………………[[201903220513]] Cultivate a serious attitude ……………………………..[[201903160423]] Do good, avoid evil, appreciate your lunacy, pray for help …..[[201903140603]] Face the three challenges ………………………………..[[201904120530]] Train without bias ………………………………………[[201904160516]]

Alternate Titles

  • Observe, even if it costs you everything
  • Observe these two, even at the risk of your life
  • Guard the two even at the cost of your life
  • Guard the two at the cost of your life
  • Guard both points more preciously than your life
  • Even if it costs your life, defend the two

04-11-2019 - 5:10 AM ›[[201904110510]] → #slogans