Being Ordinary
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Right now exert yourself, get it right


Right now exert yourself…

There is no other time then now. Now is the only time in which you can operate. It surrounds you and bathes you with its presence. Don’t procrastinate. You have met this human existence and are conscience.’What’s important right now is the level of attention you can bring to what you are experiencing. Nothing else really counts.’

…get it right

Rightness refers to what is practical, physical, down to earth. Rightness and wrongness are on a spectrum and the attempt must be to move the needle towards rightness. Never succeeding, always trying. Getting it “right” means different things in different situations. This time, get it right - points to all the times we’ve didn’t get it right.

  1. Benefiting others is more important that benefiting yourself.
  2. Practice is more important than study. You’re healthy, live in relatively safe and privileged society, you have the resources available, you have the time. Inner practice is far more important than the outer trappings.
  3. Loving-kindness is where the heart of the matter is found.

Don’t save your biggest problem …………………………..[[201903260512]] Adopt three key elements …………………………………[[201904130501]] Keep tract of the three key elements ………………………[[201904140544]] Be wholehearted …………………………………………[[201904220448]] There is only one point of focus ………………………….[[201903180624]] Every encounter suddenly becomes the path ………………….[[201903150533]]

Alternate Titles

  • This time get it right
  • This time, practice the main points
  • Engage in the principal practices right now
  • This time, practice the important points
  • Now practice what is most important
  • Exert yourself, especially at this time
  • This time, do what is important

04-19-2019 - 4:58 AM ›[[201904190458]] → #slogans