Being Ordinary
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Don’t speak of the faults of others


Don’t spread the news of the faults of others, subtly or not so subtly. You don’t know all the background. Accept that everyone is flawed and the practice is to continually except this. The original slogan is: “Don’t talk about injured limbs.” Don’t be smug and ignore your flaws. The point here is not to ignore other’s faults but to look at your shortcomings and have compassion. Another way of saying this is; never speak of others’ defects – neither their worldly defects, for instance by saying “that fat person,” nor their spiritual defects, for example by saying “that worldly person.”

Notice when you’re not supportive and nurturing in your speech. Notice when your speech magnifies and exacerbates other’s weakness. Don’t slip into automatic pilot. If you do, your mouth acts as the pilot, and you are stuck in the position of the copilot. Use this noticing as a call to action, to open your heart. Building the ego at the expense of someone else is a default mode in us and so easy to slip into the habit. Once developed, this habit is hard to break. There are injuries behind all faults. Don’t pile on and add to them by speaking about them. Soften, little by little, conditioning yourself to talk differently, to speak with a warm heart and the intention to be of service. See others for who they are. They are doing the best they can. Don’t unleash your speech without pausing to combine awareness with acceptance.

Atisha 1 says: ‘Don’t ponder over others’ defects, it is none of your business. Don’t interfere in others’ lives, it is none of your business. Don’t even be too much concerned about your defects. Take note, be aware, and let the matter be settled then and there. Awareness is enough, nothing else is needed. If you are fully aware of anything, the fire of awareness burns it. There is no need for any other remedy.’

Don’t ponder the actions of others ………………………..[[201903250613]] Be grateful to everyone ………………………………….[[201903120542]] Don’t malign others …………………………………….[[201903300509]]

Alternate Titles

  • Don’t talk about faults
  • Don’t talk about injured limbs
  • Do not speak of the defects of others
  • Don’t talk about weak points
  • Speak not of the shortcomings of others
  • Do not discuss infirmities
  • Do not discuss defects

03-24-2019 - 5:42 AM ›[[201903240542]] → #slogans

  1. Atisha Dipamkara Shrijñana (982-1054) Indian master, scholar, and author.