Being Ordinary
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Don’t ponder the actions of others


Pondering the actions of others is not helpful. It is a distraction from the task of rooting out your self-grasping and ego-clinging, besides people don’t even know why they do the things they do.

The ego has a subtle way of comparing itself to others by pondering, “I’m not as bad as …” or to try and project how we fit in by pondering, “She said those things so she must be mean …” The ego does this to bolster its sense of superiority and security.

Instead, turn around and look at yourself. Notice when you’re not supportive and nurturing in your thoughts and speech. Remember that behind every fault, there is an injury. Soften a little, condition yourself to speak differently. Focus attention on your presence. Turn your attention around and think, “My perceptions are due to my outlook’s impurity and reflect my flaws. Everyone is endowed with the essence that shares the Buddha’s nature.”

“We judge ourselves by our intentions; we judge others by the effects of their actions on us.” 1 Whatever we imagine is probably incorrect. Don’t pick up what isn’t yours.

Practice giving and receiving on the breath ………………..[[201903060456]] Be true to the principled one …………………………….[[201903190550]] Don’t speak of the faults of others ……………………….[[201903240542]] Don’t be complacent of suffering ………………………….[[201904060518]] Practice sympathetic joy …………………………………[[201904250633]] Be even tempered ………………………………………..[[201904260449]] There is only one point of focus ………………………….[[201903180624]] Be even tempered ………………………………………..[[201904260449]] Remain committed and engaged ……………………………..[[201904200542]] Don’t malign others …………………………………….[[201903300509]] Keep the three inseparable ……………………………….[[201904150459]] Embrace challenges presented by circumstances ………………[[201904180505]] º Evolving To Be Happy …………………………………..[[202011170657]]

Alternate Titles

  • Don’t figure others out
  • Don’t ponder others
  • Do no reflect on others’ shortcomings
  • Don’t think about the affairs of others
  • Think nothing about the other side
  • Think not about whatever is seen in others
  • Do not have opinions on other people’s actions

03-25-2019 - 6:13 AM ›[[201903250613]] → #slogans

  1. Jack Himmelstein, of the Center for Understanding in Conflict