Being Ordinary
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Don’t save your biggest problem


Problems here refers to “patterns of thought, habits, and emotions that sap our energy and keep us from thriving.” [^@Leif:2010aa]

If you have to eat a frog, eat it first!

Identify your biggest problem and then get to work on it. Don’t procrastinate. Solving big problems will grease the way for you to handle all the little nuisance problems as they pop up. They cause the greatest imbalance and blind you to your more subtle problems. Someone is holding you back from a nurturing life, and that someone is you. Your greatest problems are caused by your poor habits, your pessimism, your emotional baggage, all your fears and doubts, and your failure to practice. These problems are active in you and their resolution can only take place in you. Problems never end. Everyone has problems. Don’t look away from your problems.

What are your greatest problems? Where are you deficient? What are your neurosis?

  • materialism
  • lack of consideration of others
  • complacency
  • procrastination
  • certainty or uncertainty
  • lack of commitment to a cause
  • egotism and self-grasping
  • fear
  • pessimism

Trust that by paying attention to your greatest problems, slowly little by little you will see what you need to do and the little stuff will resolve on its own accord. Practice with your big problems and soon everything will seem like ‘little stuff’.

Trungpa Chögya puts it crudely, “Don’t just work with chicken shit, I want to work with the chicken itself.” [^@Trungpa:2005aa]

Begin Tonglen with yourself ………………………………[[201903090508]] Right now exert yourself, get it right …………………….[[201904190458]] Be true to the principled one …………………………….[[201903190550]] Meditate on your dissatisfactions …………………………[[201904170606]]

Alternate Titles

  • Work with your biggest problems first
  • Work with the greatest defilements first
  • Work on the strongest of your defilements first
  • Purify the strongest negative emotion first

03-26-2019 - 5:12 AM ›[[201903260512]] → #slogans, #quote