Being Ordinary
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Don’t wait in ambush


This slogan is about your scheming, plotting, vengeful mind.

Don’t seek revenge. Don’t try and conjure up bad things. Don’t wish for harm or death. Don’t hold on to anger. Don’t allow negativity to fester and grow. This slogan is a reminder not to hold grudges. To live in the present and forgive the past. Be honest. Straightforward.

The habit pattern can become ingrained, and it hurts only you. When you spend time scheming and plotting revenge, you are lost to the present moment and don’t even realize it. Your practice suffers, you suffer, those around you suffer, and miss the lessons presented by your situation.

Holding onto anger has the same effect, as this great quote by Buddhaghosa in The Path of Purification makes clear. He explains, “By doing this, you are like a man who wants to hit another and picks up a burning ember or excrement in his hand and so first burns himself or makes himself stink.” 1

Don’t be complacent of suffering ………………………….[[201904060518]] Interbeing - Dealing With Anger …………………………..[[202007261526]] º Most People …………………………………………..[[202010272035]]

Alternate Titles

  • Don’t wait in ambush
  • Do not lie in ambush
  • Do not wait at the narrow passageway

03-31-2019 - 5:16 AM ›[[201903310516]] → #slogans

  1. Davidson, Jessica. Free Your Pen: Mind Training for Writers (59 Slogans to Cure Writer’s Block & Free Your Voice) (p. 128). JesDharma Books.