Being Ordinary
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Don’t rush things


Society tends to rush things, which turns everything into a competitive race. Even love can become a competition. We can get caught up in hurrying from one experience to another.

What are we racing forward into the future? What does ‘racing forward into the future’ mean? Who is in a hurry, and to what end?

Don’t turn your meditation practice into a speed competition. You can not meditate faster than anyone else. Meditation isn’t about being first or ahead of someone else, and it’s not about being more spiritual than others. The results of your practice come to you in their own sweet time.

Let other people be whoever they are. Then you are free to be you.1

Rushing things often means wanting to be first, striving to be the fastest, most knowledgeable, most liked.

There is no need to hurry. Just let things happen at their own pace. Move at the pace of life, and don’t try to speed things up. Moving at the speed of life is what it means to act naturally, according to nature.

Speed is not the answer. What doesn’t get finished won’t get finished. There will be somethings in life left unfinished. Except for this reality and move forward with joy and kindness. There are no external urgencies, only internally imposed pressure. Relax, try to move at a slower, more natural pace. There is plenty of time for practice. Practice steadily, not fast.

Our lifetime will end soon enough, no need to rush to bring that eventuality about. You are not in a race with anyone. Any sense of the need to hurry is a self-imposed silly fixation on accomplishment, a way for the ego to make itself known. It is improper and hurtful to push your way into the limelight. Especially when undeserved.

Slogan practice is about developing awareness and compassion. Taking what you learn and experience off the cushion and into everyday daily life.

Don’t be so predictable ………………………………….[[201903290503]] Use misfortune as practice ……………………………….[[201903100511]] Observe, no matter what ………………………………….[[201904110510]] Don’t be devious ………………………………………..[[201904040538]]

Alternate Titles

  • Don’t go so fast
  • Don’t try to be the fastest
  • Do not sprint to win a race
  • Don’t aim to win
  • Do not direct yourself to the summit of the ascent
  • Do not compete by a last-minute sprint

04-03-2019 - 5:14 AM ›[[201904030514]] → #slogans

  1. Davidson, Jessica. Free Your Pen: Mind Training for Writers (59 Slogans to Cure Writer’s Block & Free Your Voice) (p. 138). JesDharma Books.