Being Ordinary
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Don’t be devious


All the ‘don’t do this or that’ slogans point to taking a motherly look at yourself. Take a kind accounting and recognize your natural foibles. Forgive yourself and smile. Relax, give yourself some slack, see reality for what it is, and move forward. Be ordinary.

The devious mentioned in this slogan is about using other people and situations to get ahead. In other words, gratify your ego and cherish your self above others. Watch as your ego uses ulterior motives, all the while secretly wanting to satisfy itself. We sometimes do this by taking on blame that is not yours, hoping that we’ll be seen as righteous. This is using others to advance ourselves.

The ego’s deviousness can be quite subtle, and you may be deceiving yourself without even knowing it. “Self-deception is one of the hardest things to change because human beings are so good at it! We hide from the truth at the same time as claiming we want to know the truth.” 1

Our ego can take a devious stance towards Mind Training and a meditation practice making us appear ‘righteous’. This is a mistake as it transforms your Mind Training and meditation practice into measurement for your ego advancing its self-important schemes. For the practice to work, it must counteract discursive thought and disturbing emotions.

The antidote for this devious behavior is to realize that it’s not about your ego and its agendas for gratifying itself. It is about seeing through the tag. Not being caught by the egos subtle and not so subtle ploys at trying to make it feel better and superior.

Be interested and marvel at the wonderment of your inner life. It’s curious behavior and manifestation. Look for the connection between your inner life and your life experience. Working to understand your inner workings as they are, breaking down old mythical and magical notions.

Don’t poison yourself ……………………………………[[201903280559]] Don’t make gods into demons ………………………………[[201904050528]] Be true to the principled one …………………………….[[201903190550]] Don’t malign others …………………………………….[[201903300509]] Don’t rush things ………………………………………[[201904030514]]

Alternate Titles

  • Don’t be tricky
  • Do not abuse this [practice] as a rite
  • Don’t act with a twist
  • Don’t revert to magic
  • Do not be treacherous
  • Do not misuse the remedy

04-04-2019 - 5:38 AM ›[[201904040538]] → #slogans

  1. Davidson, Jessica. Free Your Pen: Mind Training for Writers (59 Slogans to Cure Writer’s Block & Free Your Voice) (p. 141). JesDharma Books.